
Can You Bring Nail Clippers On A Plane Reddit

Concluding Updated on December 13, 2020

In that location was in one case a time when packing your luggage was simple. We could just bring everything nosotros needed for our trips without whatsoever worries.

However, times have changed and the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) now has strict rules and regulations about what yous tin can and can't acquit on into an airplane cabin.

Today we're looking whether you can take nail clippers or other nail care tools and products on an airplane.

Allow'southward go to the crisis…

TSA Nail Clippers Rules

The answer is articulate and conclusive. Check this screengrab from the TSA website:

You can bring nail clippers on a airplane in your carry on bag or in your checked purse.

Keep in mind if y'all are putting any sharp items in your checked baggage make sure they are securely wrapped and then baggage handlers don't cut themselves.

And simply to be clear they are referring to smash clippers that expect like these ones:

Can You Have Smash Scissors On A Plane?

Boom pair of scissors would fall under dissimilar rules. Here is the TSA scissors rules:

You tin can't bring scissors that have blades longer than four inches in your carry on luggage. This means that nail scissors like these ones would exist permitted in manus luggage too.

What About Other Nail Intendance Tools?

As a full general rule, most nail care tools are permitted in your comport on. And then nail files, tweezers, cuticle pushers should be okay.

Here are the good folks at the TSA on Twitter answering a question about flight with a nail clipper kit:

That's the official TSA account on Twitter saying that that particular toenail clipper fix would exist permitted. But information technology's not e'er clear. Have for case this cuticle pusher and smash cleaner:

These get-go to expect sharp and potentially dangerous. I would not be surprised if a TSA officer would confiscate manicure tools similar they did in this instance.

This issue is about rubber and whether or non the item can potentially be used as a weapon.

Equally e'er the TSA security officeholder has the final say on what is permitted on the airplane. You tin't bring a mortiferous weapon on to a plane just because yous take chosen it a smash tool.

What About Other Nail Care Products?

Nail care products like nail polish or nail polish remover fall under the liquids rule. You tin can't bring liquids in sizes greater than 3.4 oz or 100 ml. And you need to pack all your liquid bottles in a single quart-sized pocketbook.

Unless your blast care product is a solid or a ability it will be limited. So creams, pastes or gels are all controlled and need to be packed alongside your shampoo and shower gel.

The Verdict

Have a moment to reflect that some of the terrorist attacks of 911 were carried out using simple box cutter knives. That'due south why we have these security rules. It may exist abrasive to need to check if fingernail clippers are allowed but in that location is a good reason for the TSA to sometimes control what can seem like harmless items.

Hand luggage rules are at that place to protect travelers. That'due south why nosotros have rules about other potentially dangerous items.

If you are all the same unsure whether or not you are permitted to bring a specific particular onto a flight in your behave-on baggage at that place are steps you may take to find out.

Get-go, accept a motion-picture show of the object in question, and and then ship information technology to AskTSA on Facebook or @AskTSA on Twitter from 8 a.yard. to 10 p.m. Eastern on weekdays or 9 a.m. to 7 p.k. on weekends and holidays.

They look forrard to answering any of your questions.

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